Friday 9 October 2009

Wood Protection

  1. Polyurethane Varnish - Sprayed or painted on with matte or gloss finish.
  2. Stain - literally stained wood. soaks into the grain of the wood, so it can't be used after the wood has been varnished.
  3. Oils - Rubbed into the wood and enhances the colour of the wood, whilst protecting it from moisture.
  4. Preservative - Normaly in the form of tanelised timber that is bought from a timber yard, the timber does not need any other protective coating. A preservitive is injected into the timber forming a 5mm band in the inside of the timber, increases the life span of the timber by 4x, which is then use primeraly outdoors. the intitial timber for tanalised timber tends to be spruce.
  5. Paint - The timber must be primed before it is painted with what is nomaly an oils baised paint.

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